








产品名称:便携式静电测试仪ME-282 静电充电板系统 产品型号:ME-282 产品品牌:美国MONROE 重量:0. 精密:小于5% 特点: 工作台接地系统检测工具; 易读的数字式显示幕; 读值保持功能; 自动关机省电功能; 口袋型尺寸,操作方便; 和ME-282A-1静电测试仪配合使用; 电池:9V 电池寿命:200小时 Easy to use Now it’s simple to make sure any ionizer is doing its job. Go/no-go check 1. While away from any ionized airflow, turn the Model 282 fieldmeter on and check “zero” reading. 2. Slide the plate assembly onto the Model 282 fieldmeter. 3. Select charger polarity by grounding the opposite terminal. (Ground “-” to select “ ”). 4. To charge the plate adapter, place it in contact with the appropriate charger terminal. 5. Position the fieldmeter with the plate adapter in the ionizer airflow. The meter should rapidly drop from 1100 V to zero. Note: All tests should be performed while wearing a wrist strap to ensure a proper ground. Decay rate check Follow the steps above, but connect the fieldmeter to chart recorder, or use a stopwatch to measure the time required for the voltage to decay from ±1.00kV to ±0.10kV. Balance check Turn on the fieldmeter with the plate adapter attached. Point it into the ionizer airflow, check for an average reading of zero. An offset reading indicates an unbalanced ionizer.